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When My Team Succeeds, I Succeed!

When my team succeeds, I succeed!
When my team succeeds, I succeed!

Josh, my medical technician, recently got accepted to medical school. Congrats, Josh!

At work, I purposely surround myself with staff who are in health care for the right reason - to help others. I tend to hire awesome people like Josh: someone just out of college, in transition, and hungry to make an impact. They have positive attitudes and learn quickly.

Josh, my medical technician, recently got accepted to medical school. Congrats, Josh!
Josh, my medical technician, recently got accepted to medical school. Congrats, Josh!

When medical assistants eventually move on, I am delighted to see them rise to the next stage of their careers. It makes me happy to know that I’ve contributed, at least a small part, to their medical training (gosh, maybe I should have stayed in academia!).

Getting into medical school is a major achievement worthy of joyous celebration. Cheers, Josh!

[Josh will be joining the first year class at New York Medical College beginning summer 2019]

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