Despite the difficulties of 2020, there are still many things to be thankful for.
As I see my last patients before the Christmas holiday, it's been great to see many of my patients in the holiday spirit. Many are coming for their eye exams wearing bright reds and holiday colors.

In this photo above, I’m with one of my favorite patients Antina who, as a young child, lived in Nazi-occupied Holland. She told me that social distancing and not seeing her kids is not as bad as living through WWII. “At least there’s no shortage of food now,” she says with a laugh.
As for me, while I have not had to deal with Nazis in my lifetime, I’m thankful that my office has been able to safely reopen. My team has worked hard to adopt all the recommended COVID precautions and we are thankful for our good health. On a personal level, this year I’ve focused more on #selfcare. This year is the first time in 10 years that I’ve taken Christmas week off. Afternoon naps, anyone?
How are you showing your holiday spirit? What are you thankful for?
Note: image published with patient's permission.